Alberta Commercial and Residential Solar Credits Program - Preparation

Here are the inverters we support with instructions on how to grant Rewatt access to them:   If your inverter type is not listed, please email us at to discuss the options.
There are four kinds of documents requested for the application:
Proof of Site and Equipment Ownership (provide one or more):
  • Equipment purchase invoice, including detailed equipment list (preferred)

  • Equipment lease agreement (if available)

  • Equipment list

  • Signal Line Diagram (optional)

Proof of Connection to Grid (provide one or more):
  • Microgeneration, interconnection, or operating agreement

  • System commissioning report

  • Final electrical inspection report

Proof of Installation (provide all):
  • Photo(s) of inverter and its serial number

  • Photo(s) of your solar panels installed

Proof of Environmental Credits Ownership (if applicable):
  • Grant, rebate, or funding agreement (if you have received government funding for your site) Check eligibility list here.

  • Equipment lease agreement (if you are leasing)

Part of the process to generate credits includes an annual audit. Sites maybe selected for annual audit by a third party verifier. If your site is selected for an audit, you will be contacted by the verifier to complete a 10 to 15 minute virtual walkthrough of your system.