Generation Year | Estimated Net Revenue |
Alberta Commercial and Residential solar
Does your property have solar? Is it in Alberta?
Earn income from your carbon credits.
Residential and commercial solar generators in Alberta earn thousands of dollars from carbon credits. You can too.
You are eligible if:
Your solar site is in Alberta.
Your site is operational.
You have not received a provincial or city grant that took away your credits.
Your site is less than 5,000 kW capacity.
Do you have a utility-scale energy project instead? E-mail us about this program.
Gain returns of up to 26% on your solar investment over the term.
Regulated prices to increase $15 per tonne every year, from $50 in 2022 to $170 in 2030.
Take minutes to earn thousands. Complete an online application providing site details, ownership documents, and a data connection to your site.
One-time setup. No hassle to gather and send your energy bills. Eliminate human error.
Generation Year | Estimated Net Revenue |
Specific Yield is how much energy (kWh) is produced for every kWp of module capacity over the course of a typical or actual year.
The estimate above is based on the following assumptions:
1. A full year of solar production.
2. You own 100% of the rights to the environmental credits from the solar system.
3. The credit price is either the target or expected discount to the Alberta TIER Carbon Price, which is expected to increase by $15 per year, reaching a maximum of $170 per tonne (Credit).